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Searches in US on 1. January 2. 01. 7.

Philip J. Fry (Character) - Quotes. The content of this page was created by users. It has not been screened or verified by IMDb staff. Ken: You are the last hope of the universe. Fry: So I really am important? How I feel when I'm drunk is correct? Ken: Yes - except the Dave Matthews Band doesn't rock.

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The Big Brain: Well, here we are. Trapped for eternity. Giant Brain #1: We could sing 'American Pie'. Fry: Go ahead. I deserve it. Nibbler: I didn't travel back in time!

My people lack that ability. Fry: But.. I know you in the future! I clean your poop! Nibbler: Quite possible. We live long and are celebrated poopers.

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Leela: You know, Fry? I don't care if you're not the most important person in the universe. It really makes me happy to see you right now. Fry: Then I am the most important person in the universe. Fry: [discussing Fry being his own grandfather as a result of going back in time and getting with his grandmother] I did do the nasty in the past- y.

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Nibbler: Verily. And that past nastification is what shields you from the brains! Fry: There are guys in the background of Mary Worth comics who are more important than me. Fry: Huh. Did everything just taste purple for a second? Fry: What really killed the dinosaurs? The Huge Brain: Me!

Leela: We're back from the mission. Fry: Wha.. You went without me? Bender: You were looking up curse words in the dictionary. It seemed like a better use of your time. Fry is trying to pick up Nibbler's anti- matter poop] Smitty: Whoo- hoo- hoo, smells like a 2. URL: Failure to scoop. Aw, yeah. Fry: Wait, I'm trying.

It weighs as much as a thousand suns. Fry: Aw, Nibbler, at least I'm important to you, even if only 'cause I clean up your poop. Nibbler: The poop eradication is but one aspect of your importance. Fry: [nods in agreement until he realizes] Gaah! D- D- Did you just talk?

Nibbler: Indeeed. And I have other amazing powers as well. Fry: Like what? [Nibbler knocks Fry unconscious and drags him away]. Fry: I'm sorry I missed the mission. I wasn't there, and you might have needed me.

Bender: Nope. Fry: But if I've been there.. Bender: Nope. Fry: Look.. Bender: Nope. Fry: Bender is great.

Bender: Nope.. Aw! Fry: Delivery boy Philip J. Fry, reporting for duty. Dr. Zoidberg: Doctor Zoidberg, soaking in brine. Nibbler: Do you remember some months ago when the Earth was under attack by flying brains? Fry: Hmmm. I remember the square- dancing stomachs, but that might have been a Mylanta commercial.

Fry: Aah! Brains! Ken: Fear not, mighty one. Your missing brain waves make you invisible to them, so long as you avoid intense thinking. Fry: Sorry, what?

I wasn't paying attention. Ken: That is most wise. Fry: Who? Fry: What happened to me, Philip J. Fry, on the night of December 3.

The Huge Brain: Clarification request: Are you the Philip J. Fry from Earth, or the Philip J. Fry from hovering squidworld 9. A? The Big Brain: Earth, you fat idiot.

Hurry up! Nibbler: What is one life weighed against the entire universe? Fry: But it was my life! Ken: Fry, it is my solemn duty to inform you that the fate of humanity, the fate of our race, indeed, the fate of all that exists and ever will exist, rests with you. You are the most important person in the universe. Fry: Oh, snap! Ken: For a thousand years, the evil Brains have been constructing the Infosphere, a giant memory bank the size of three ordinary memory banks. Fry: What's so evil about that? Fiona: They plan to collect all information in the universe and store it in the sphere.

Fry: So they're trying to learn things? Fiona: Right. Fry: Those bastards! Nibbler: Being brains, they feel compelled to know everything, and soon they will. Fry: I'm as mad as I've ever been! Ken: Once their task is complete, they will ensure that no new information arises in the only way possible: by destroying the universe.

Fry: Now it's personal! Fry: Is it true the back of stamps are made out of.. The Huge Brain: Correct! Toad muccus! Fry: Hey. Did everything just taste purple for a second? Fry: [Discussing Fry being his own grandfather as a result of going back in time and getting with his grandmother] I did do the nasty in the past- y.

Nibbler: Verily. And that past nastification is what shields you from the brains! Fry: I'm nobody. There are guys in the background of Mary Worth comics who are more important than me.

Bender: Ah, buck up, meatloaf. Bender'll take you out tonight and cheer you up. What do you wanna do? And I mean anything! You have the power! Name it and I'm there! You the man! Fry: Um, okay.

Let's go bowling. Bender: Nah. Fry: [Waking up after Nibbler knocks him out] Are you my mommy? Nibbler: Negative. Fry: I'm as worthless as this trash can. Trash Can: You think I'm as worthless as you? Try catching garbage in your head and raising six kids, you dumb townie! Giant Brain #1: Well, here we are.

Trapped for eternity. Giant Brain #2: We could sing 'American Pie'. Fry: Go ahead. I deserve it. Leela: Fry, we have a crate to deliver. Fry: Well let's just dump it in the sewer and say we delivered it. Bender: Too much work. Let's burn it and *say* we dumped it in the sewer.

Professor Hubert Farnsworth: Now that you're our new employees, I'd like you to have a look at our commercial. I paid to have it aired during the Super Bowl. Fry: Wow. Professor Hubert Farnsworth: Not on the same channel, of course.. Prof. Hubert J. Farnsworth: Ah, to be young again. And also a robot. Fry: Can I do the countdown? Leela: Oh, sure.

Knock yourself out. Fry: Ten.. nine..

Leela: We're here! Fry: Eightsevensixfivefourthreetwooneblastoff.

Dr. Zoidberg: Now open your mouth and lets have a look at that brain. Fry opens his mouth] Dr. Zoidberg: No, no, not that mouth.

Fry: I only have one. Dr. Zoidberg: Really? Fry: Uh.. is there a human doctor around? Dr. Zoidberg: Young lady, I am an expert on humans. Now pick a mouth, open it and say "brglgrglgrrr"! Fry: Uh.. brglgrglgrglgrrr!

Dr. Zoidberg: What? My mother was a saint! Get out! [Fry and Leela are taking a ride on the Moon Park] Moon Rover Ride Narrator: The story of lunar exploration started with one man - a man with a dream. Animatronic Ralph Kramden: One of these days, Alice.

Bang. Zoom. Straight to the moon. Leela: Wow! I never realized the first astronauts were so fat. Fry: That's not an astronaut, it's a TV comedian!

And he was just using space travel as a metaphor for beating his wife. Fry: Uh, greetings Moon Man, we come in peace. I am Fry from the planet Earth. Sal: Wise guy huh?

If I wasn't so lazy I'd punch you in the stomach. Fry: But, you are lazy right? Sal: Oh, don't get me started.

Bender is caught with the moon farmer's robot daughters and is chased into the barn with Leela and Fry] Fry: Bender, you didn't touch the Crushinator, did you? Bender: Of course not. A girl that fine you gotta romance first. Fry: Where are we going?

Leela: Nowhere special. The moon. Fry: The mo - the moon?

The moon moon? Wow! I'm going to be a hero, like Neil Armstrong and all those other brave guys no one ever heard of. Fry: I'm never gonna get used to the 3. Caffineated bacon? Baconated grapefruit? ADMIRAL Crunch? Leela: Well, if you don't like that, try some ARCHDUKE Chocula. Fry: I'm never gonna get used to the 3.

Caffineated bacon? Baconated grapefruit? ADMIRAL Crunch? Moon Rover Ride Narrator: No one really knows when, where, or how man landed on the moon.. Fry: I do! Moon Rover Ride Narrator: ..

Fungineers imagine it went something like this. Animatronic whalers emerge from a lunar lander] Animatronic Whalers: [singing] We're whalers on the moon. Animatronic Gophers, Animatronic Gophers: We carry a harpoon. Animatronic Whalers, Animatronic Gophers, Leela: But there are no whales, so we tell tall tales and sing a whaling tune. Fry: That's not how it happened. Leela: Oh, really?

I don't see you with a Fungineering degree. Leela: If everyone is done being stupid.. Fry: I had more, but go ahead. Leela: Our car broke down and we're low on oxygen. Can we borrow some?

Moon Farmer: Borry? Max & Me Online English.

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